Interesting Story...
I never read Oedipus Rex before I take this subject. In my first reading of the drama; I feel that it is an interesting story. I don’t really understand everything in it, but I like the content of the story. I think Oedipus is innocent but it iscruel that those bad things happen to him. I feel that it is unfair ending to Oedipus because he did not choose to be like that, it is the fate that playing with him.
When the time Oedipus heard that he will kill his father and sleep with his mother, he runs away from the country to escape from the terrible prediction. However, this action leads to the fulfillment of the prophecy. From the beginning of the play, he has good intention in doing everything. He saved the people from the problem of Sphinx's riddle. He is caring to his peoplewhen he becomes the king of the country. In his good intention to safe his people from plague, his fate reveal little by little.
Our whole life is destined by God as I said before; we might want to use our wisdom to change our fate, but it always does not help. Knowing our future seems become a bad thing to Oedipus. People want to know their future so that they can make better planning, as well as Oedipus. However, the prophecy ruins his life.
The king of Solomon is the wisest king in the earth, he asked wisdom from God to rule his people, he gained all the riches in the world, but in the end he said there is only vanity of vanity. Satisfy with what we have in the present, let the past be lesson, and learn put everything in the hand of God for the future. Our worries for the future can’t change anything. Have faith in God and let Him who is on the throne to arrange everything.
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